Wednesday, February 11, 2015




You are responsible for writing the keywords that help customers find and download your pictures. Good keywording is critical to good sales. Follow these steps to make sure your images have the best keywords possible.

1.) Begin by asking questions about your images:

  • WHAT is it?
  • WHAT's it doing?
  • HOW does it feel?
  • WHERE is it?
  • What COLOR is it?
  • WHY is it this way?
  • WHO interacts with it?
  • WHO is it?
  • WHAT do you DO with it?

2.) Enter as many pertinent keywords as possible.

Think about whether a keyword will help someone find the right image. For example, conceptual photos not necessarily about a specific place should not include the name of the city in which they were shot. On the other hand, a photo of an English pub or the Tube in London are both examples of photos that SHOULD have the keywords "london, UK, england" because they could be useful to a customer looking for photos of London.
Use commas and spaces like this: "dog, puppy, hound, barking, pet, canine" and so on.

3.) Never include irrelevant keywords.

If you include keywords that fail to describe your image, we will reject your submission. Our editors do their best to add keywords we think are missing, but it's your job to try to give us the best keywords you can.

4.) Don't forget variations of words like "smile" and "smiling."

Adding "s" or "es" to words is not necessary, since our search engine will do that automatically. Adding "ing" or "ly" when appropriate is a good idea.
Only one of each word is allowed in your keywords, so you do not need to enter "red fruit, red apple, red delicious apple". Simply entering "red, delicious, fruit, apple" will be fine. Entering multi-word phrases is not necessary, since they will be reduced to single words when you submit them.

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